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             I think that one of the most stereotypical things we hear about Greek life in today’s society is that it changes people. Once you join your Greek house, you will turn into a completely different and new person, someone that you were not before. I am here to say that this statement is true. Greek life has changed me, but more importantly, Theta has changed me. It has transformed me into the woman I am today. We often view change as a negative concept. It’s a scary thing to think about because we aren’t sure what change will bring about. A lot of people do not like living in the unknown, me being one of them. 


            When I came to college, I was a shy, reserved girl. I had never been faced with many obstacles, and I was comfortable with life. Once I joined Theta, though, I was challenged to become a better version of myself and to achieve personal growth. At the time, I was unsure of what this entailed, but as a senior now, I can see that these past four years of my life have been the most difficult, yet also the most eye-opening and rewarding. I have learned more about myself since being in college than I have in the first 18 years of my life. I have gone through difficulties that I never anticipated. While I am not going to say these challenges would never have happened if I had not been in Theta, I am confident that I would not have approached them in the same way if it weren’t for my sisters’ support and encouragement throughout the years. They had my back through it all. To say that I am thankful for them would be an understatement. 


              I think that society often portrays women in Greek life as narcissistic, egotistical, and materialistic. This is a stereotype that I will always deny. It is because of Theta that I have broken out of my shell and have become the leading woman that I am today, a phrase that we constantly live by and cherish. Since joining Greek life, I have developed new passions, sparked the confidence to speak out about these passions, become more selfless, and learned what it truly means to love who you are; the characteristics that I have always had deep down inside of me have only become enhanced. My strengths have become stronger and my weaknesses weaker. This house has made a lasting impact on my life, something that I will take with me once I leave Butler and will cherish for the years to come. So yes, Greek life does change you. I will stand by that statement 100%. But I am so thankful that I have because college is all about growth. I am so proud of the person I have become in these short four years, and I thank my lucky twin stars that Theta has helped me become the woman I am today.


Xoxo, Sam

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