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        Some of the strongest women in my life are Thetas, so I’ve been hearing about Kappa Alpha Theta since I was little. Although Theta has been in my life for so long, my personal Theta story began on January 14th, 2018. One year ago, I was just a girl from Minnesota looking to find a home in Indiana, but I’ve found so much more than that. I’ve found a place where women push me to be my best and authentic self. I’ve found sisters to comfort me in times of trouble and celebrate me always ❤. Most of all, I’ve found my best friends. This sisterhood continually refines me into the leading woman I am meant to be and I’m so thankful to be a part of it.

         I never knew which sorority I would end up in because I had so many people close to me in greek life. I dreamed of sharing a sisterhood bond with all of them, but unfortunately that's not how it works. After the second day of recruitment, I knew that I wanted to be a Theta, not because of those close to me, but because of the relationships with the girls in the house that I had built during those first two days. Recruitment came at a perfect time in my life where I needed to find someone to motivate me, and luckily, I found over 100 girls to give me that extra boost. I can’t imagine not having Theta in my life and it has given me so much more than I could’ve ever imagined.

-Xoxo, Rayna


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